| 1. | Measurements of the photoelectric properties for x - ray tubes X射线管光电性能测试方法 |
| 2. | General specifications of medical diagnostic x - ray tube assemblies 射线管组件通用技术条件 |
| 3. | Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assemblies X射线管组件固有滤过的测定 |
| 4. | Research and design of a new type x - ray tube 线球管的研究和设计 |
| 5. | Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assemblies X射线管装置的永久滤波的测定 |
| 6. | Measuring devices for x - ray tube voltage X光射线管电压测量装置 |
| 7. | Determination of the permanent filtration of x - ray tube assemblies X射线管组件永久过滤作用的测定 |
| 8. | Methods of life test for x - ray tubes X射线管寿命试验方法 |
| 9. | X - ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis - characteristics of focal spots 医用诊断x射线管组件.焦点特性 |
| 10. | X - ray tube assemblies for medical use 医用x射线管配件 |